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Developer Student Clubs — NSEC
3 min readJul 25, 2019

This is a tri-monthly update. Mostly when exams are around and things are slack!

DSC NSEC Orientation sessions 2019

Hey there,

Been a long time since I got onto my boring talk about how DSC NSEC has been doing. Guess what, we’re now an officially recognized technical community at NSEC!

Where were we for so long?

In short — saving lives. Our lives, actually. The semester exams caught us at the end of April, and we were bogged down with it till the mid of June. And then we had a long vacation, during which we could not get in a place for meeting up, so we did a long online meeting with our members of transitioning years to advise them about their changing roles as they moved up the year chart.

Meanwhile, we got in touch with the college, getting official recognition of the Club, and getting ourselves named as one of the primary clubs in the college who were invited for conducting Orientation sessions during the first week of the new batch’s entry to the college! Woooh!


6 sections of first years, 1 hour with each of them — DSC NSEC Core team members pulled out back-to-back orientation seminars for 6 hours, with most of them having their own classes going on, and thus meticulously scheduled and perfectly timed sessions.

We began talking to students of the ECE department at 10 AM, moved to EE next, followed by the CE + BME departments. A relief here in form of a 30-minute lunch break, after which we returned, to begin with ME + AEIE sitting huddled together in a room. And finally, we delivered to sessions one to CSE and finally the IT department.

Ayush, Chair IEEE EDS NSEC, DSC NSEC Core talking to ECE freshmen

An important part of our orientation session was to discuss how we are inclusive towards all departments, years and completely neutral with gender in providing opportunities and safety while collaborating.

Shruti, DSC NSEC Core talking about Unity in Diversity at DSC NSEC

And we were continuously through all sessions joined by our ever supporting Faculty Mentor — Prof. Sourav Mitra sir who sat through almost all of our sessions and kept helping us throughout to drive the correct and complete message of DSC NSEC! Lots of thanks to sir!

Any Updates ? — Yes

So it happens we do have an update, and a very exciting one — the website upgrade for DSC NSEC — worked in by Aniket Kumar with Ritesh from the Graphics Team helping him develop the graphics used on the website. We really urge you to make a visit to it, its delightful!

The website is the primary mode of registration for DSC NSEC and also allows applying for DataCamp Premium accounts provided by DSC NSEC :) Do give that a check if you’re interested in Machine Learning or Data Science!

The DSC NSEC website update!

And now, we buckle up for the most exciting event of eastern India coming up — the GDG Kolkata DevFest 2019 for which over 30 students of DSC NSEC are volunteers and 3 members of DSC NSEC Core are a part of the Core Organizing team! Apply for a pass at —

And now to the next semester exams, we’ll keep informing you all that we do for maybe every week or if unlucky every month! Stay tuned as I get back to my GSoC issues awaiting my attention!

Anubhav Singh



Developer Student Clubs — NSEC — A Developer Students’ Club is a Google recognised student club in a college/university which promotes technology and spreads computer education!