The Birth of DSC NSEC
This a Weekly Report — 1 of don’t know how many to come.

Hey there,
It has been 1 week since I found out I had been accepted for the role of Developer Student Clubs Lead at my college — Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata, India. And a lot has happened since.
Now, I know my college is not much known. I don’t blame anyone — even the auto drivers near my college sometimes take time to understand what we are talking about when we take the college’s name! Well, it is a bit tough for people at a third-tier private engineering institution to dream they could make a strong impact in the country. But I do. And hence, the DSC platform was something I had waited for since an entire year.
But that’s enough about me and the college. Let’s discuss — DSC NSEC. It might be surprising to note here — even though we are a second-time institute at the Developer Student Clubs programme, we didn’t have much of penetration at the college itself about it. So I began with creating the Facebook Page for the club, a very simple and natural step!
The next thing which I did was dig into the history of my college. And guess what I found — gold! Well, not literally. Since our institute is one of the oldest private engineering colleges in West Bengal, we have had a long and wonderful history! I found that one of the founders of Google Developers Group Kolkata is from our college. And that we have had the Google Student’s Ambassador programme at our college in the past. And trust me, the infrastructure they had set up — it was great! So I got in touch with them, and found a way to revamp their old Facebook Group as the official FB Group for DSC NSEC!
Social platforms — all set! Now, to ground zero — the college. The first thing to do was to assemble a set of talented and responsible students who could help me carry out my responsibilities as a DSC Lead. This was named as the DSC NSEC Org Team and currently has 9 members apart from me — 3 ladies and 6 gentlemen. We shall be recruiting more soon!
Meanwhile, the team got some motivational lecturing from me — multiple sessions of them. They have rolled out the membership registration form for the club — which is only a way to promote it and measure its reach, to be honest, :P But yeah it also serves as a database for us. And, data is the new oil ;)
Further, the team is also drawing up detailed plans for the next few months — after which we expect semester exams and then we shall plan fresh for the next semester. Oh, and they got a website up at — This website is funded and developed entirely by the DSC NSEC Org Team for now. Hope we can get some funds from the college in future for better and more exciting ways of operation!
And besides doing stuff, we have been able to plan a lot of things. But those shall come up in the blogs to come — for plans are immaterial when not executed. And DSC NSEC strongly believes in doing — even if means to move mountains — which I am personally very sure my team can.
That’s a long blog for me who’s usually a very lazy writer, so I hold my fingers now —
Anubhav Singh,
Kolkata, India